Finding Calm: How Acupuncture may Support Women with Anxiety
Anxiety is more than just feeling stressed. It can disrupt sleep, affect digestion, and leave you feeling on edge all of the time. If you’re looking for a natural way to feel more grounded, acupuncture could be a powerful tool to help restore balance.
Do you have a mindfulness practice?
Becoming still in your mind can do wonders for your body's health and well being! Incorporating a mindfulness practice into your daily life can help to reduce stress, promote relaxation, reduce cortisol levels and support your nervous system, giving your body an exceptional chance to recover and heal!
Working with me…
Attuned to the subtleties of your pulse, I notice the pace of your breath.
I can feel the tension dissolve with every exhale as you move beyond pressure and finally get to pause in your rest...
You see, this moment, here on my table, is just for you.
The part of a woman’s hormone story where right beside that newborn bubble often sits a slew of mental health struggles, anxious moments, unforgettable fatigue and postpartum depletion.
And whilst the complexity of this time within our bodies means we’re bound to feel a little lost, it’s critical that we’re supporting our mental and emotional health during these precious months.
What is your story?
I believe in a world of women's health where we empathise as much as we pathologise.
Where no woman is left lonely in her struggles, and no struggles are shrugged off as ‘nothing’.
Where her mental health is as important as her medical notes, and her emotions matter more than ‘what’s normal’.
Let’s talk about growth
What does this tell us about personal growth and healing? It tells us that times of great stress are also times that are signals for growth and if we use adversity properly, we can grow through the discomfort of adversity!
Sacrificing your health to please others?
Are you sacrificing your health for the sake of pleasing others?
Here's the thing! While society deems it admirable to be selfless and take care of others' needs before our own, we NEED to nurture ourselves first! And when we do! We are able to serve others better! From a full cup, not an empty one! Give from the overflow right?
Treating the ‘root & the branch’
In Chinese medicine we look at both the branch and the root of disease! This is what makes this medicine so wonderful and why I became so passionate about its ability to heal! The branch encompasses the symptoms and the root refers to the underlying factors or cause of those symptoms! And so while a lot of times, in other modern medicine practices, the symptoms alone are treated, in Chinese medicine we dig deeper, investigate a little further! We try and get to the bottom of why your symptoms may be occurring in the first place and treat the imbalance!
A little note on ‘comparison’
We must live up to our own expectations of ourselves and not those placed on us by others outside of our personal experience! It's difficult in this day and age to not succumb to comparison-itis and feel we are not meeting certain societal beliefs of what makes us worthy of success and happiness!
Menstruation & cycle syncing in chinese medicine
Did you know that Chinese medicine can support you through the different phases of your menstrual cycle? That's right! Chinese medicine also recognises the different phases and fluctuations that women go through each month and mapped this out almost 2200 years ago!
A note from me
One of the things I love about Chinese medicine and acupuncture is that it works WITH your body! Your body knows what it needs and what it doesn't and where and when and how to heal. Acupuncture just serves as a tool to help your body recognise its very own capacity for healing! How incredible is that?
Let’s talk morning routine
Let's talk morning routine! Do you have a consistent routine to get you primed and ready for your best day ever? Or do you roll out of bed, to the sound of a distressing alarm, frantically pulling clothes on, eating on the go, trying to find your keys to get your day started on time? A consistent routine in the morning can really re-frame how your whole day goes!
Embracing winter
As the days grow shorter and the air turns crisp, we find ourselves transitioning into the winter season. And although we are truly blessed with beautiful sun-filled winters here on the Gold Coast, it is still important to listen to the wisdom that Chinese medicine holds for us.