Let’s talk about growth

Growth is everywhere, it's in nature and in our personal world! Though sometimes our personal growth is accompanied by growing pains!

A great video featuring Dr. Abraham Twerski really helps put things in perspective. It resonates with me deeply and I hope it resonates with you also! The message is this!

Dr. Abraham talks about how lobsters grow! How do lobsters grow you ask? And what does it even matter?

As a lobster grows, its shell becomes small, too confining, difficult to endure! The lobster starts to feel under pressure and uncomfortable! He casts off his shell and produces a new one! Eventually the new shell also becomes uncomfortable as the lobster continues to grow and the cycle begins again!

You see the stimulus for the lobster to grow is that it feels under pressure and uncomfortable!

What does this tell us about personal growth and healing? It tells us that times of great stress are also times that are signals for growth and if we use adversity properly, we can grow through the discomfort of adversity!

If you are going through a difficult time in your life, know that you are growing! Acupuncture may be able to help soften the struggle!

Please don't hesitate to reach out, I would be so happy to help you through the growing pains!


What is your story?


Sacrificing your health to please others?